gamehqbcd.top User Agreement
Thank you for using the gamehqbcd.top platform and the products, services, and features provided by this platform (collectively referred to as "Services").
Our services
This service allows you to find, watch, and share content such as videos, providing a platform publishing platform for original content creators and advertisers. We provide a lot of product-related information and usage methods in the Help Center. For example, you can learn about and how to watch content on other devices in the Help Center.
Your service provider
The entity providing this service is Boyuan LLC, a company operating under the laws of Hong Kong, China, located at 32nd Floor, 4-4A Des Voeux Road Central (hereinafter referred to as "gamehqbcd.top" or "us").
Applicable terms
When using this service, you must comply with these terms, Community Guidelines, gamehqbcd.top policies, security and copyright policies, which may be updated from time to time (collectively, the "Agreement"). If you provide advertising or sponsorship to this service, or incorporate paid promotional content into your own content, the agreement between you and us also includes gamehqbcd.top advertising and related policies. Any other links or references provided in these terms are for reference only and are not part of the Agreement.
Please read this agreement carefully to ensure that you understand its contents. If you do not understand this agreement or do not accept any part of it, please do not use this service.
Who can use this service?
Age requirement
You must be at least 13 years old to use this service; however, children of all ages can use this service and gamehqbcd.top Kids (if any) enabled by their parents or legal guardians.
Parent or guardian permission
If you are under 18 years old, you hereby indicate that you have obtained permission from your parent or guardian to use this service. Please have them read this agreement with you.
If you are a parent or legal guardian of a user under the age of 18, allowing your child to use this service means that you must comply with the terms of this agreement and be responsible for your child's behavior on this service.
Business entities
The content provided by this service
The content provided by this service includes videos, audios (such as music and other sounds), pictures, photos, text (comments and transcripts, etc.), brand information (including trade names, trademarks, service trademarks or logos), interactive features, software, indicators and other materials provided by you, gamehqbcd.top or third parties (collectively referred to as "Content").

Individuals or entities must be responsible for the content they provide to this service. Short.ibrave has no obligation to host or serve content. If you find any content that you believe does not comply with this agreement (including content that violates Community Guidelines or laws), you can report it to us.
Use this service
The content provided by this service
The content provided by this service includes videos, audios (such as music and other sounds), pictures, photos, text (comments and transcripts, etc.), brand information (including trade names, trademarks, service trademarks or logos), interactive features, software, indicators and other materials provided by you, gamehqbcd.top or third parties (collectively referred to as "Content").

Individuals or entities must be responsible for the content they provide to this service. Short.ibrave has no obligation to host or serve content. If you find any content that you believe does not comply with this agreement (including content that violates Community Guidelines or laws), you can report it to us.
Google account and gamehqbcd.top channel
Some services (such as browsing and searching for content) can be used without a Google account, but some functions must be used through a Google account. With a Google account, you can like videos, subscribe to channels, create your own gamehqbcd.top channel, etc.

Create a gamehqbcd.top channel to use more features, such as uploading videos, posting comments, or creating playlists (if applicable).
Your information
Our privacy policy explains how Google handles your personal data and protects your privacy when you use this service.
We will process any audio or audiovisual content you upload to this service in accordance with the gamehqbcd.top data processing terms, unless you upload such content for personal use or family activities.
Permissions and restrictions
As long as you comply with this Agreement and applicable laws, you can access and use the services provided to you. You can watch or listen to the content for personal non-commercial purposes. In addition, you can also play gamehqbcd.top videos through the embedded gamehqbcd.top player.
You are subject to the following restrictions when using this service. You may not:
1. Access, reproduce, download, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, adapt, modify, or otherwise use any part of the Service or any content, or grant permission for it, unless you: (a) obtain express authorization from the Service; or (b) obtain the prior written permission of gamehqbcd.top and (if applicable) the relevant copyright owners;
2. Circumvent, disable, fraudulently use, or otherwise interfere with any part of the Service (or attempt to do so), including security-related features or the following features: (a) prevent or restrict the copying or other use of the Content, or (b) restrict the use of the Service or the Content;
3. Accessing this service through any automated means (such as robots, botnets, or collectors), except for the following situations: (a) using a public search engine based on the robots.txt file of gamehqbcd.top; or (b) obtaining the prior written permission of gamehqbcd.top;
4. Collect or obtain any information that can be used to identify individuals (such as usernames or facial data), unless permission is obtained from the user or to the extent permitted in paragraph (3) above.
5. Use this service to publish unsolicited promotional or commercial content, or other disturbing or mass-released customer information.
6. Using this service to cause or encourage inaccurate measurement of real user engagement, including paying fees or providing rewards to others to increase the number of divs/likes/likes of videos, increase the number of subscribers to channels, or manipulate metrics in any other way.
7. Abuse any reporting, marking, complaint, dispute or grievance process, including making unfounded, vexatious or frivolous comments;
8. Organize competitions on or through this service that do not comply with gamehqbcd.top's policies and guidelines regarding competitions.
9. Use the Service to watch or listen to content for purposes other than personal, non-commercial use (for example, you cannot publicly show videos or play music through the Service); or
10. Use this service (a) to sell gamehqbcd.top advertisements and related policy permissions (such as compliance product placements) outside of the scope of advertising, sponsorship, or promotion services on this service or content; or (b) to sell advertising, sponsorship, or promotion services on any page of a website or application that only contains content from this service, or to make such sales primarily based on content from this service (for example, to sell advertisements on web pages that primarily attract users to gamehqbcd.top videos).
Rights reserved
Using this service does not imply ownership or related rights to any part of this service (including usernames or any other content published by others or gamehqbcd.top).
Develop, improve, and update this service
Short.ibrave is constantly changing and improving the service. To achieve continuous improvement, we may make modifications or changes (to all or part of the service), such as adding or removing certain features, launching new digital content/services, or stopping the provision of old digital content/services. We may also need to change or terminate the service or any part thereof to improve performance or security, make adjustments in accordance with the law, or prevent illegal activities or abusive behavior on the system. The above changes may affect all users, some users, or even individual users. If the service requires or includes downloadable software (such as gamehqbcd.top studio application), the software may be automatically updated on your device when there is a new version or feature, depending on your device settings. If substantial changes we make will have a negative impact on your service usage experience, we will notify you in advance at a reasonable time, unless there is an emergency (such as to combat abusive behavior, respond to legal requirements, or solve security and operational issues).
Your content and behavior
Upload content
If you have a gamehqbcd.top channel, you can upload content to this service. You can use your own content to promote your business or art career. If you choose to upload content, all content submitted to this service must comply with this agreement (including gamehqbcd.top Community Guidelines) or relevant laws. For example, the content you submit cannot contain any content with intellectual property rights belonging to third parties (such as copyrighted content), unless you have obtained permission from the relevant party or the law allows you to use this content. You are legally responsible for the content you submit to this service. We may use automated systems to analyze your content to help detect infringement and abuse, such as spam, malicious software, and illegal content.
Infringement and violation content rediv and handling mechanism
We will rediv the content you submit every day through the system and manual rediv. Once any infringement or violation is found, we will remove your content within 24 hours

Rights granted by you
You retain ownership of your own content. However, we do require you to grant certain rights to gamehqbcd.top and other users of this service, as described below.

Grant license to gamehqbcd.top
By providing content to this service, you grant gamehqbcd.top a non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license worldwide to use the content (including copying, distributing, displaying, and performing the content, as well as creating derivative works of the content) within the scope of the service and gamehqbcd.top (and its successors and affiliates) business (including promoting and redistributing part or all of the service).

Grant licenses to other users
You also grant all other users of this service a non-exclusive royalty-free license worldwide, allowing them to access and use your content through this service (including copying, distributing, displaying, and performing the content, as well as creating derivative works of the content), and only need to obtain this license by using one feature of this service (such as video playback or embedding). For clarity, this license does not grant users any rights or permissions to use your content independently of this service.
License term
After you remove or delete your content from this service, the license you grant will continue to be valid for a commercially reasonable period of time. However, you understand and agree that for videos that you have removed or deleted, gamehqbcd.top may retain copies on the server, but may not display, distribute, or perform them.
Income-generating rights

You grant gamehqbcd.top the right to generate revenue from your content on this service (such revenue may include displaying advertisements on or within the content, or charging users for access). This agreement does not authorize you to collect any payments. Payments that you and gamehqbcd.top may collect from gamehqbcd.top in other agreements (including payments from gamehqbcd.top partner programs, channel memberships, or super messages, etc.) will be considered royalties from November 18, 2020. If required by law, Google will Withhold Tax from such payments.
Remove your content
You can remove your content from this service at any time. You can also choose to copy your content before removal. If you no longer have the rights required by these terms, you must remove your content.

Removed content by gamehqbcd.top
If any of your content (1) violates this Agreement or (2) may cause harm to gamehqbcd.top, our users, or third parties, we have the right to remove or delete some or all of such content at our discretion. We will notify you of the reasons for our action, unless we have reasonable grounds to believe that doing so will result in the following situations: (a) violating the law or the instructions of law enforcement agencies, or putting gamehqbcd.top or our affiliates at risk of legal liability; (b) obstructing investigations, or affecting the integrity or operation of this service; or (c) causing harm to any user, other third party, gamehqbcd.top, or our affiliates. You can learn more about reporting and handling violations, including how to appeal on the help center's troubleshooting page.

Community Guidelines Warning
Short.ibrave has an "alert" system for handling content that violates the gamehqbcd.top Community Guidelines. Each alert brings different restrictions and may result in your channel being permanently removed from gamehqbcd.top. You can visit the Community Guidelines alert basics page to fully understand how alerts affect your channel. If you believe the alert you received is incorrect, you can appeal here.
If your channel is restricted due to a warning, you may not use other channels to circumvent these restrictions. If you violate this provision, it is a serious violation of this agreement, and Google has the right to terminate your Google account or your access to all or part of this service.
Copyright protection
We provide relevant information at gamehqbcd.top Copyright Center to help copyright holders manage their intellectual property online. If you believe your copyright has been infringed on this service, please send us a notice.
We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement according to the process described by the gamehqbcd.top Copyright Center. You can also learn how to remove copyright alerts through the gamehqbcd.top Copyright Center. In accordance with gamehqbcd.top's policy, we will terminate the access of repeat infringers to this service in appropriate circumstances.
Account suspension and termination
By you to terminate
You can stop using this service at any time. Follow these instructions to delete this service from your Google account, which will shut down your gamehqbcd.top channel and remove related data. You can also choose to download a copy of the data first.
Termination and Suspension by gamehqbcd.top
Short.ibrave reserves the right to suspend or terminate your Google Account or your access to the Service, in whole or in part, if: (a) you have seriously or repeatedly violated this Agreement; (b) we are required to do so to comply with legal requirements or court orders; or (c) we have reasonable grounds to believe that your actions will cause (or may cause) any user, other third party, gamehqbcd.top or our affiliates to be liable or harmed.

Termination or suspension notice
We will notify you of the reasons for terminating or suspending your account/access to gamehqbcd.top, unless we have reasonable grounds to believe that doing so would result in: (a) violating the law or the instructions of law enforcement agencies; (b) obstructing investigations; (c) affecting the integrity, operation, or security of this service; or (d) causing harm to any user, other third party, gamehqbcd.top, or our affiliates.
The impact of account suspension or termination
If your Google account is terminated or access to the service is restricted, you may continue to use certain aspects of the service (such as diving only) without an account, and this agreement will continue to apply to such use. If you believe that the decision to terminate or suspend was incorrect, you can use this form to file a complaint.
About the software in this service
Downloadable software
If this service requires or includes downloadable software (such as gamehqbcd.top Studio App), then unless the software is subject to other terms that provide a license, gamehqbcd.top grants you a royalty-free, non-transferable, non-exclusive personal license worldwide to use the software provided by gamehqbcd.top as part of this service. The sole purpose of this license is to enable you to use the services provided by gamehqbcd.top in the manner permitted by this agreement and benefit therefrom. You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or rent any part of the software, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of the software, unless prohibited by law or you obtain written permission from gamehqbcd.top.
Open source
Some of the software used in our services may be provided under an open source license that we provide to you. The provisions of the open source license may explicitly override some of the above terms, so please be sure to read such licenses.
Other legal provisions
Unless expressly provided in this Agreement or required by law, the Service is provided "as is" and gamehqbcd.top makes no specific promises or warranties with respect to the Service. For example, we make no warranties with respect to: (a) the content provided through the Service; (b) the specific features of the Service or its accuracy, reliability, availability or ability to meet your needs; or (c) any content you submit is accessible on the Service.
Limitation of liability
Except as required by applicable law, gamehqbcd.top, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents shall not be liable for loss of profits, loss of revenue, reduction of business opportunities, impairment of goodwill, loss of expected surplus, loss or damage of data, indirect losses, secondary losses, or punitive damages caused by the following reasons:
1. Any errors, errors, or inaccuracies in this service.
2. Personal injury or property damage caused by your use of this service.
3. Accessing or using this service without authorization;
4. Any interruption or discontinuation of this service.
5. Any virus or malicious code transmitted by any third party to or through this service.
6. Any content submitted by users or gamehqbcd.top, including your use of that content; and/or
7. Removal or unavailability of any content.
This provision applies to any claim based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
The total liability of gamehqbcd.top and its affiliates for any claims arising out of or related to this service is limited to the greater of (A) the amount of revenue paid by gamehqbcd.top to you for your use of this service within 12 months prior to your written notice of claim; and (B) $500.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to defend and indemnify against any claims, damages, obligations, losses, legal liabilities, costs or debts, as well as expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) against gamehqbcd.top, its affiliates, executives, directors, employees and agents arising from the following reasons: (i) your use and access to this service; (ii) your violation of any term of this agreement; (iii) your infringement of any third-party rights, including but not limited to any copyright, property rights or privacy rights; or (iv) any claim claiming that your content causes damage to third parties. Regardless of this agreement and your use of this service, the above defense and indemnification obligations will continue to be effective.
Third party links
This service may contain links to third-party websites and online services that are not owned or controlled by gamehqbcd.top. gamehqbcd.top has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, such websites and online services. Please exercise caution when you leave this service; we recommend that you read the terms and privacy policies of each third-party website and online service you visit.
About this Agreement
Change this Agreement
We may change this Agreement for various purposes, such as (1) to reflect changes in the Services or the way we do business (e.g., when we add new products/features or remove old ones), (2) for legal, regulatory or security reasons, or (3) to prevent abuse or harm.
If we make material changes to this Agreement, we will notify you in advance at a reasonable time and give you the opportunity to rediv the changes, except in the following circumstances: (1) when we release new products or features, or (2) in the event of an emergency (such as to combat ongoing abuse or respond to legal requirements). If you do not want to accept the new terms, you should remove the content you uploaded and stop using this service.

Continuation of this Agreement
If you no longer use this service, the "Other Legal Terms" and "About this Agreement" provisions of this agreement will continue to apply to you, and the license you granted will continue to be valid (as described in the "License Term").

If a particular provision of this Agreement is unenforceable for any reason, this will not affect any other provisions.
Does not constitute an automatic waiver
If you fail to comply with this Agreement and we do not take immediate action, this does not mean that we waive any rights we may have (such as the right to take action in the future).

In the above terms, "including" means "including but not limited to", and the examples we provide are for illustrative purposes only.

Governing law
All claims arising from or related to these terms or this service are subject to the jurisdiction of Hong Kong, China, and can only be brought in Hong Kong, China. You and gamehqbcd.top agree that the above courts have personal jurisdiction.

Limitations on legal proceedings
You and gamehqbcd.top agree that you must file a lawsuit within one (1) year after the cause of action arises for any cause of action arising out of or related to the Service. Otherwise, you will no longer be able to file a lawsuit against that cause of action.